More chipping paint today. We're shifting at 1500 so I get to run through the dock-line drill at the bow, again.
I haven't mentioned yet, that when shipping as an O.S. (ordinary seaman)- regardless of what you may or may not know, your life skills, what you've done on inland waters, or if you hold a masters license - you pretty much have to answer every question with "I'm the O.S., I don't know shit." It doesn't matter if people like you or if you do know the answer, the only acceptable answer is "I'm the O.S., I don't know shit." If you cry about it then life will get really hard, really quickly. I happen to find it funny so besides sticking songs into peoples' ears I have taken to answering every question ("you hungry?" "What time is it?") that way.
You actually have a sanctioned outlet for obnoxious self-expression. This is good. As well as a new response to add to your usual repertoire. Impressive! Hope you're winning friends and... well, however that saying goes. Sounds like you're having fun while working hard. It must be quite the undertaking to shift a ship.