Most people think about foreign ports, exotic lands, and ocean wildlife when they think about sailors and sailoring... and sometimes, that is what being a sailor actually is- a grand adventure. But only sometimes. Mostly it is hurry-up-and-wait, workplace politics, industrial practices, commercial liability aversions (fall arrest harnesses over life jackets? WTF?), and downright bullshit. Like this two-and-a-half week stay in Singapore just became- complete bullshit.
For months we have been promised shore leave and plenty of overtime during our layup in Singapore, and we have all made plans accordingly. Laura bought a ticket to come out, and after 6 months apart, we were both excited to become reacquainted while I showed her one of the coolest cities in the world. While offloading all cargo from the ship I was alerted to the fact that "the company" had decided to anchor out in international waters and there would be no launch service. Meaning we cannot enter Sing under our foreign articles. Meaning, we would not be able to go ashore for the entire duration of our stay in Sing. Meaning that really, really expensive airline ticket Laura bought was for nothing (we're still waiting to hear if we can get any of the money back).
There really aren't words for how pissed off I am... pissed off and disappointed (and wishing I could allay Laura's disappointment, somehow). The general mood on the ship isn't good... and my only recourse is to be a royal pain in the ass and fire off lots of letters to people who don't share the degree of my righteous indignation in protest, with no likely action to ever result. There is a provision in the contract that allows for the Ordinary, extra or not, to be laid off to pursue additional training- and if I simply couldn't muster up the intestinal fortitude to take the abuse I would think seriously about using it- however, I am out here for sea time and assessments, not the money. My primary goals dictate I grin and bear it. So as Laura eloquently put it, I need to "put on my big-boy panties and suck it up."
Which, when shared with the guys on the fan-tail (stern) while docking, immediately became part of the unlicensed deck's lexicon. Now everyone on the ship needs to put on their big-boy panties and STFU. When and if Laura ever meets some of these guys she'll have some serious cred.
So right now I am in an internet cafe deep under Chinatown in Singapore surrounded by adolescent Asian's playing the latest video games... in the air conditioning. I just finished a weird concoction of white plums, dried, with salt and licorice (I assume it is for video-gaming stamina, gangnam style) and getting ready to venture back out to find some gifts that weigh nothing, mean everything, and cost something reasonable for friends and family. And people watch. And not be on the ship, angry, distracted, and dangerous.
For months we have been promised shore leave and plenty of overtime during our layup in Singapore, and we have all made plans accordingly. Laura bought a ticket to come out, and after 6 months apart, we were both excited to become reacquainted while I showed her one of the coolest cities in the world. While offloading all cargo from the ship I was alerted to the fact that "the company" had decided to anchor out in international waters and there would be no launch service. Meaning we cannot enter Sing under our foreign articles. Meaning, we would not be able to go ashore for the entire duration of our stay in Sing. Meaning that really, really expensive airline ticket Laura bought was for nothing (we're still waiting to hear if we can get any of the money back).
There really aren't words for how pissed off I am... pissed off and disappointed (and wishing I could allay Laura's disappointment, somehow). The general mood on the ship isn't good... and my only recourse is to be a royal pain in the ass and fire off lots of letters to people who don't share the degree of my righteous indignation in protest, with no likely action to ever result. There is a provision in the contract that allows for the Ordinary, extra or not, to be laid off to pursue additional training- and if I simply couldn't muster up the intestinal fortitude to take the abuse I would think seriously about using it- however, I am out here for sea time and assessments, not the money. My primary goals dictate I grin and bear it. So as Laura eloquently put it, I need to "put on my big-boy panties and suck it up."
Which, when shared with the guys on the fan-tail (stern) while docking, immediately became part of the unlicensed deck's lexicon. Now everyone on the ship needs to put on their big-boy panties and STFU. When and if Laura ever meets some of these guys she'll have some serious cred.
So right now I am in an internet cafe deep under Chinatown in Singapore surrounded by adolescent Asian's playing the latest video games... in the air conditioning. I just finished a weird concoction of white plums, dried, with salt and licorice (I assume it is for video-gaming stamina, gangnam style) and getting ready to venture back out to find some gifts that weigh nothing, mean everything, and cost something reasonable for friends and family. And people watch. And not be on the ship, angry, distracted, and dangerous.
Came straight to your blog when I got the link, Forrest. Am shocked to read that your shore leave has been stripped away from you. You're right, that's total and utter BS. You're also completely right to be as pissy as you like BEFORE you pull up your big boy panties. (Way to go Laura.) On another note, your salty, licorice, plums sound interesting!! !!!! Can't follow that! Love, Cx
ReplyDeleteReading this when it is actually old news, but I'm still as angry and sad for you both as I was when I got Laura's call.